

Club Activities

Fishing Rodeos April and October

We are currently working on scheduling the October Fishing Rodeo. Check back soon...

Crab Feast

CRAB FEAST. New!!!!! Please read this through. Please RSVP (by sending in your check) for the annual crab feast being held on Saturday, August 17, 2013 from 1300 to 1600 hours. This will be at Ft. Meade's Burba Lake, Pavilion 3.

The cost is $5.00 per person for Members in good standing. Otherwise members will pay $10.00 per person at the door. Please, no friends (or family if not living with you if you have a family membership), unless they want to join the club that day. It’s still a great deal if they do.

For example, if you have a family membership and have 4 family members living with you in your house, that’s $5.00 a person for early registration. It’s the same price for individual memberships. Otherwise, if we receive your payment after September 19th, or you show up at the door, it’s $10.00 per person so get those payments in the mail!

Please RSVP by sending a check for the amount to cover you and any guests you plan to bring. While you are paying your Club Dues, and if you plan to attend the crab feast, please include your crab feast early registration payment.

We must receive your payment in the mail on or before August 1st, 2013 to count for the early registration. Why? Because we must have an accurate count on how many will come. Only paid pre-registrations received by the due date will be counted. We have tried to include non-payment RSVP’s in the past to get a count of who will attend, but very few non-payment RSVPs have shown up.

This is a good deal at $10.00 per person, but we will reserve the right to limit the number of crabs per person (for example: If we purchase crabs for 35 paid registrations and 20 more show up at the door). If we only have enough for “X” number of crabs per person, then we may have to limit the number so that we will have enough for everyone. Early registrants will be the first in the line. For all, we will serve 3 crabs at a time. For more crabs, you must deposit your empty hulls in the trash before getting more. This will help with clean up also.

No crabs will be taken home unless an officer approves it. For example, one volunteer serving and not eating, may take an appropriate number of crabs home if he/she did not eat any during the feast. If (God forbid) we have any crabs left over, we will reward any volunteers first. Which brings up a point, we need volunteers. We will need help with getting food and supplies, the noon set up, and an hour afterwards for clean up.

Please RSVP to Chris Estes

2013 M1 Garand Match & Clinic

This year's Meade Rod and Gun Club CMP Sanctioned M1 Garand Match & Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th, 2013 (range 1, 0800 hours to 1500 hours). Click the "M1 Garand & Jr. M1 Carbine Clinic" link on the left menu frame for details.